The Body Shop -Drops of Youth Bouncy sleeping Mask and Warming Mineral Mask♡

Hello everybody ! 
today i am going to review on The body shop Drops of youth Bouncy sleeping mask and a warming mineral mask. 
lets start with the bouncy sleeping is a gel leave on mask containing cell renewing edelwesis claims that if you keep it overnight it will work as moisturiser and replenishes for youthful looking skin which will feel like -Bouncer,smoother ,refreshed,recharged and renewed.

As you can see from the photo that this mask is gel formulated , its a bouncing cream,when u take it on your hand it will melt down to a smells like fresh,i like the smell actually.when i ask sales assistant how to use it she said to use it after night moisturiser.

i can say it works as wonder  for my skin,my skin feels tighter and does not feel sticky or oily on my face.When i wake up in the morning i feel like my skin is dry,i try to wash my face then i realise  mask is coming off from my face. you guys know that feeling.

i don't know should i tell guys or not that i use it as a primer ,lol .don't judge me ,it works for looks shiny on your face but it does not feel oily at all.

My theory is before applying any foundation i should use any moisture mask as a prime to protect my skin from dryness. (may be it does not make any sense )
my skin is very sensitive and dry,so in this case this mask suits me.i am not sure if i am going to repurchase it or not,as i used it for two days.
now about the price its £22.00
and 90ml .
its definitely a bargain for me. 
i got free warming mineral mask because i have got body shop card,i thought i should review this mask as well.
i like this mask,it said to use it once or twice in a week.self warming mask.its with ginger and cinnamon oil and uncoloured essential oils . 
its a good does what its saying.
Hope you guys find my review helpful. I shall speak to you guys soon.take care .


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